Event-Driven Architecture with Micronaut: The Key to Building Scalable and Resilient Systems

Lovedeep Gahlyan
3 min readMar 30, 2023


Event-driven architecture is an approach to software design and architecture that emphasizes the use of events to trigger and communicate between different components of a system.

In this architecture, components in a system are decoupled and communicate through asynchronous events rather than synchronous method calls. When an event occurs, it is published to an event bus or broker, which then delivers the event to all interested listeners or subscribers.

The basic components of event-driven architecture are:

  1. Event Source/Publisher: The component that generates the event.
  2. Event: The message that represents the event.
  3. Event Bus/Broker: The mechanism that receives events and delivers them to interested listeners or subscribers.
  4. Event Listener/Subscriber: The component that receives and processes the event.

The main advantage of event-driven architecture is that it allows components to be loosely coupled, which means that they can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently. In addition, it provides a more flexible and resilient system because the components can react to changes in the environment by processing the events they receive.

Let’s Understand this using an example:

Say we have a system where we are receiving data from outside application, we have to take that data, parse it and store it into db also data is coming constantly. This is a great case where this architecture can be very helpful.

Here I will be using micronaut a java framework ( very similar to spring boot to show the code )

  1. Define the Event Class The first step is to define the event class that will hold the incoming data. In this case, you can define a simple event class called DataReceivedEvent:
public class DataReceivedEvent {
private final String data;
public DataReceivedEvent(String data) {
this.data = data;
public String getData() {
return data;
  1. Define the Event Publisher Next, you need to define the event publisher that will send the DataReceivedEvent to the event bus. In this case, you can create a new class called DataReceiver that will read the incoming data as a string, create a new DataReceivedEvent with the data, and publish it to the event bus:
import io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventPublisher;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public class DataReceiver {
private ApplicationEventPublisher eventPublisher;
public void receiveData(String data) {
DataReceivedEvent event = new DataReceivedEvent(data);

In the example above, we inject the ApplicationEventPublisher and create a new DataReceivedEvent with the incoming data. Then, we use the publishEvent method to send the event to the event bus.

  1. Define the Event Listener Next, you need to define the event listener that will receive the DataReceivedEvent and parse the data. To do this, create a new class and use the @EventListener annotation:
import io.micronaut.context.event.ApplicationEventListener;
import javax.inject.Singleton;

public class DataReceivedEventListener implements ApplicationEventListener<DataReceivedEvent> {
public void onApplicationEvent(DataReceivedEvent event) {
// Parse the data and store it into the database
String data = event.getData();
// Do your parsing and database storing logic here

In the example above, we implement the ApplicationEventListener interface and specify the event type as DataReceivedEvent. Then, we implement the onApplicationEvent method and parse the incoming data and store it into the database.

In conclusion, event-driven architecture is a powerful approach to building scalable, resilient, and reactive systems that can process real-time data and enable business agility and innovation. By decoupling producers and consumers of events through an event bus, applications can be designed to handle a high volume of events while maintaining loose coupling, asynchronous communication, and fault tolerance. Event-driven architecture is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but it can offer significant advantages over traditional request-response architectures, especially in domains such as IoT, streaming analytics, e-commerce, and financial services. As event-driven architecture continues to evolve, new tools and frameworks are emerging to simplify its implementation and management, making it more accessible to developers and businesses of all sizes. To stay competitive in today’s fast-paced digital economy, it’s essential to consider event-driven architecture as a core design principle for your next project.



Lovedeep Gahlyan

I'm a full-stack engineer and self-proclaimed tech wizard who spends my days crafting magical solutions to real-world problems